Southern Regional Salon and the WPS trade stand

The 2016 Southern Regional in Westport is in 2 weekend’s time.  We are pleased to advise that Wellington Photographic Supplies (WPS) will be having a trade stand at the event.
They will be bringing a pallet load of gear with them and are sure to have the following; Cameras from Canon, Nikon, Fuji, and Panasonic. Lenses, including Lensbabies.  Memory Cards, filters, light cubes and much more.

Many of the cameras and lenses will be available to try on the field trips and you have the opportunity to put in your recommendation about what WPS should bring so if you’re heart is set on a Holga Camera or a 50MP Hasselblad, a 128gig compact flash card or what ever, let me know so that I can arrange for WPS to bring it along.


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