FIAP Activities


The FIAP News is a digital publication, produced four times a year, full of photos, articles and news that may be of interest to photographers around the world.  Contributions are sent in from many nations. The latest edition of this publication is available for download at

FIAP Biennials

FIAP Biennials are competitions between FIAP affiliated country organisations. Each country selects images from photographers within its organisation’s membership to represent their country. Different countries host these events each year. Images in the competition itself are awarded points and the full set of images from that country are also awarded points for cohesion, as each country is expected to present a themed set of images. There are awards and placings for the most successful countries and individual awards are also made for specific images. Those people whose work is chosen to represent their country in this inter-country competition, can count each selected image as an acceptance on their application for FIAP Distinctions.

As the name implies, each Biennial is held every second year, alternating between the different Biennials. FIAP offers the following Biennials: colour prints, black and white, projected images, nature colour print, nature projected images, youth print (two age categories) and youth digital (two age categories). New Zealand participates in the black and white print and the colour projected image Biennials only.

Preparation for the selection of the set will start at the beginning of the year and selection will usually take place at the end of February.

The call for entries is made in December of the year prior.  PSNZ members will be invited to send in images fitting a chosen theme - the submission information will be sent to members via email each year, along with a flyer which can be found in the members area. It is an honour to have your image selected to represent New Zealand and it is free to enter. A complete revision of the previous regulation has been carried out and data protection clauses have been incorporated. From now on, all works that obtain a total score of eight (8) or more points may be considered for FIAP distinctions.

FIAP World Cup for Clubs

The FIAP World Cup is an international projected images competition between camera clubs. Entries to this event are organised by individual local clubs, which enter directly to FIAP, not via the Liaison Officer. Most clubs already hold competitions within their own membership or between local clubs. This is a great way to get your club team in a large international interclub competition event.
For further details and entry forms please contact Ann Bastion FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP

FIAP Congress

The Congress is FIAP’s major convention style gathering which any interested party can attend. It is held every second year on even numbered years, e.g. 2018. National Photographic Organisations, affiliated with FIAP can nominate delegates, typically the FIAP Liaison Officer and management officials of the Society to attend the multiple meetings. A nation will host this five to seven day event which can be held anywhere in the world. It includes photographic tours and activities for all attendees as well as tours for observers who are attending, but are not involved in meetings. These events are well wortyh attending.

FIAP Photo Meeting

The Photo Meeting is held once every second year on the alternating year to the FIAP Congress. Like Congress, the event is hosted by a nation and it is based in a location with photographic opportunities. Whilst there is a formal meeting for officials, the event is largely one involving photography tours.

Both the FIAP Congress and FIAP Photo Meeting are usually held anywhere from June to August. Anyone wishing to attend must hold a FIAP Photographers Card which can be sought regardless of whether FIAP Distinctions are held. There is no requirement to be a PSNZ member to attend. Information regarding the upcoming event will be published in CameraTalk. Anyone interested in attending these events should contact the FIAP Liaison Officer who will send them the applicable documents as they come to hand.

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