The Canon Online Competition is available to PSNZ members only. Submissions should be made via the member's area of this website.

Below are the results for Round 6, 2024.  Entries for Round 7 will close on 25th October 2024.

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The Winner!

Congratulations to Ron Willems, the winner of the Canon Online round 6 for 2024.  There were 98 entries in this round.

A bit of history about Ron:

In 1974, at the age of 20 Ron became the youngest Associate of the Royal Photographic Society in the world!   In 2015 he was made an Honorary Life member of the Photographic Society of New Zealand for his contribution to photography in New Zealand and Australia, being a photographic Fellow of both countries.

Ron is a seasoned creative digital photographic artist who travels extensively.   He has been a frequent keynote speaker at various Australasian photographic conventions and has won the National Salon of Photography, Robinson Cup & PSNZ Gold Medal six times.   He has been an enthusiastic photographer for over 50 years judging nationally and internationally.

But more than anything he enjoys photography and helping others with their photography, it is part of his life and it allows him to see what a wonderful world we live in.

About the winning image:

Venice is a wonderful place where I have stayed for many days.   Taken late in the day with warming light, I wanted to give a feeling to the place, this I did in Photoshop using a combination of motion blur and opacity filters giving the photo both a sinking and uplifting feeling.   Minor repositioning of the boat added the romance.

The judge for this round was Lynda Mowat.  

An introduction to Lynda:

Photography was initially a tool for me to continue the recording of family events, but the desire to take better photos, particularly of my son’s sport and action on the rugby field, soon saw this hobby grow into a passion. Then, when my boys left home, our own dogs became the catalyst for my enduring love of pet photography, and all things furry or feathered.

These days, I enjoy exploring many different genres, and each one has its own set of challenges. Within them all, I strive to capture the emotion behind what we see, in an effort to tell the whole story, within the confines of the frame, and give the viewers the best possible experience.

Nature, and all its inhabitants, continues to provide me with a never ending supply of models, materials and interesting items to capture.

Thank you for the opportunity to judge this competition.

Judge’s Comments

What a joy it has been to look through all these amazingly engaging images. The tricky part was picking only 10. With so many fine examples of photographic talent, those small tweaks make all the difference. Thank you for sharing your art.

1st Venice Romance - Ron Willems Hon PSNZ, FPSNZ, AFIAP, ARPS, FAPS

Instantly recognisable as Venice, the ICM factor on the buildings in this image hint at the very real threat that this beautiful city is sinking and that nothing is permanent. In contrast, the gondola, with people on board, depicts more stability to me, and I wonder if the romance is with Venice itself, or on a more personal level, within the boat. Perhaps we’d like to think romance is permanent, against the more transient nature of anything man made.

2nd After 12,000km - Deborah Martin APSNZ, AFIAP

This beautiful portrait of a godwit has the bird looking larger than life, and deservedly so, when you consider the Herculean effort of flying 12,000 km to be in the right place at the right time! The artistic finish to the image somewhat softens the environment while at the same time accentuating the features of the bird, which looks like it could turn around and fly back another 12,000km without a sweat!

3rd The Holy Man from Pashupatinath - Lia Priemus

I read somewhere recently that all humans are 99.9% identical in their DNA. But what a difference that other 0.1% makes. This image speaks to me about culture, contentment, self-confidence and awareness. Things that we all continually strive for, no matter where we are from. For me, it highlights the differences that exist between us, which can be externally so visible, whilst internally we are all so incredibly similar.

4th The house of Rock - Mike Gannaway

There is so much to look at and enjoy in this whimsical image. The main ‘house’, with the teddy bears looking out the window in front of the Apple computer. The guitar on the left, upside down, masquerading as a hot air balloon, complete with photographer in the basket. The TV’s made into birds circle the house. It’s a fun image, well worth taking some time over, to explore.

5th Coco Flying - Liz Hardley FPSNZ, GMAPS, EFIAP/p, EPSA, LRPS

With the tennis court providing an angular background, we are treated to the capture of an airborne Coco, displaying great power, commitment and concentration! With some movement evident on the ball, as it flies through the air, Coco herself seems almost suspended in mid air as she completes her follow through.

A moment in time, caught forever, where Coco can reflect, in the future, at her remarkable athleticism, and precision on the tennis court.

6th The Spirit Bridge - Lynda Leng LPSNZ

This bridge and its dark surrounds looks like the kind of place we would be warned to stay clear of! You never know what might be lurking in the shadows. Maybe there’s some that have gone before and not made it to the other side. What stories they could tell! These spirits look friendly enough, and the swirling skirts suggest a group of women sticking together on a night out. Perhaps spirits also believe there is safety in numbers!

7th Swirling Mist - Meg Lipscombe FPSNZ

With the mist thickening as we go deeper into the image, I feel like I am transported into the bush, where I can almost feel the damp and the cold surrounding me. Not somewhere I’d like to be lost!

8th Honoured - Jackie Lowry LPSNZ

A truly remarkable woman, captured here with her experience and service depicted in every aspect. Initially drawn to the image by her proud demeanour, and the weight of the medals she wears, I needed to know more, so found the name tag and googled her. It makes an interesting read, to go with this powerfully engaging image. I particularly like the way all that adorns her makes a statement, right down to the poppy scarf and the pounamu around her neck.

9th When late use Pedal Power - Julia Seagar LPSNZ

When you’re late, everything seems to be an uphill battle, and the battle feels very real in this image. The frantic pedalling, and spinning of the wheels; the monochrome effect; and the anonymity of the image, all help enable us to identify with this feeling of panic.

10th Calling - Jo Curtis APSNZ

Initially attracted by the high contrast black and white treatment of this image, the angles drew me in, with a softening around the centre from the bell lip and the tip of the spire. With the cross depicting a spiritual calling, alongside the more literal calling of the bell tolling, the clever title has a double meaning, well portrayed in the centre of the image.

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