New Zealand Camera
To have one’s work selected and published in New Zealand Camera is a privilege and honour, such is the competition and high standard of imagery presented.
The 2024 publication, which saw a record number of entries, is a fine example of the world class photography being produced by members of the Society.
To place an order or purchase a copy of New Zealand Camera, click here.

New Zealand Camera is the flagship publication showcasing a collection of outstanding photographic images from members of the Photographic Society of New Zealand.
It is a hard cover, full colour, coffee-table book with images portraying all genres of photography. From landscapes to wildlife, plants to people, sports and creative imagery – it’s all here in the pages.
New Zealand Camera is a must have book for anyone who enjoys taking photographs and is a perfect gift for everyone with an interest in the visual arts.
The book is compiled by a dedicated editorial team of photographers and PSNZ members. Members are invited to submit up to two images for consideration and possible selection for the book.
A Brief History of New Zealand Camera
In 1967 PSNZ published the first edition of ‘Camera’ in New Zealand. It was a hard-covered book, intended to be the first of an annual showcase of members’ work. It was printed in Japan and included work mostly in black & white from 106 members. This edition has become a collectors’ item.
Subsequently, from 1971 the Society published a magazine six times a year under the title New Zealand Camera, but due to the high cost of production this was replaced by the bi-monthly newsletter NZ CameraTalk, which is still being published today.
The first edition of New Zealand Camera came out in early 1997, comprising 64 pages with a soft cover. The publication included ‘in-house’ PSNZ information. Around 130 members submitted up to two entries each with everyone having at least one picture in the book. The publishers described it as a magazine rather than a book – it was very well received by members.
The second New Zealand Camera was dated 1998 and comprised 72 pages. Subsequent issues dated 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 all had 64 pages. The 2001 and 2002 editions included a small number of single-page essays by invited PSNZ members; 1200 copies were printed.
Then in 2003, ‘Camera’ – a history of the first 50 years of PSNZ – was produced, ably written by Beverley Sinclair. This soft-covered book doubled the size of the Society’s ‘annual’ to 128 pages and is an invaluable source of information on PSNZ during its early years. It has proven to be a popular history of the Society. In 2011 with stock no longer available, a reprint was published.
In 2003 PSNZ appointed a new editorial team based in Christchurch led by Newell Grenfell FPSNZ to produce a ‘real book’. This was the first of the successful annual case-bound, coffee-table book that would sell in bookstores throughout the country and be widely used as a gift.
The first hard-cover New Zealand Camera in this format was published in October 2004 with 132 pages and subsequent annual books have increased to 160 pages.
Its style and format have been very successful and PSNZ members look forward to submitting two images each year. A complimentary copy is a benefit of being a PSNZ member.