PSNZ E- Learing Series
In 2025, PSNZ offers its members the opportunity to participate in the e-learning series.
This initative is driven by the growing requests from members who want to easily access learning courses.
As with in-person workshops, the e-learning courses are available to PSNZ members only. Similar to in-person workshops, members can attend as many sessions as they wish. Registrations for both learning pathways are done via the member's area.
If you would like to join one of our online workshops and are not yet a PSNZ member, you can join here.
PSNZ members will be advised about new workshops that are open for registrations by email and then on the PSNZ Facebook members’ page.
Once you have registered and paid the registration fee, you will receive the link to the online workshop a week prior to its start date.
I would like to thank our e-learning convenor, Neville Harlick, for the hard work he has put in pulling together the 2025 series.
If anyone is keen to run a workshop in 2025, or if you have any questions, please get in contact with me at
Ngā mihi,
Mark Burgess, Jayne Parker, Nicole Tai and Neville Harlick
Workshops and E-Learning Team
Cancellation Policy
- Due to the nature of the PSNZ Workshop Series and that the workshops are generally for small groups and often over-subscribed, cancellations can have a significant financial and attendance effect on the workshop, as well as creating a lot of further administration work.
- Although we do everything possible to ensure our workshops proceed, sometimes there are things beyond our control.
- PSNZ reserves the right to postpone or cancel a workshop due unforeseen circumstances e.g. facilitator illness, venue access issues, etc. In the event we do cancel a planned workshop, we will attempt to inform attendees as soon as possible and in most cases you will be given an alternative date to attend or provided with a full refund of the workshop costs.
- If a workshop is postponed, the first right of refusal will be given to those who were already booked on that workshop for the rescheduled workshop.
- Should a workshop fail to attract a required minimum number of attendees to make it viable to run, PSNZ reserves the right to cancel the workshop.
- PSNZ will not accept responsibility for travel and accommodation costs incurred by attendees.
- PSNZ may give a full refund if there are exceptional circumstances involved in a person not being able to attend.
Last update: 09/12/2023