Fujifilm are running weekend workshops in Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin on the benefits of using their mirror-less cameras.
PSNZ will be working alongside Fujifilm to run a membership promotion which has a financial advantage to PSNZ affiliated clubs. The deal will be that the club will receive a $10 rebate on all new members who sign up for full membership of PSNZ at one of these workshops. A PSNZ member will be there to sign potential new members up on line and collect payment from those who do not wish to pay on line.
For the club to be eligible for this rebate, such new members must not have been past members within the last 5 years. Nor may they be the spouse or partner of an existing member. The rebate will be paid or treated as a contra at the time the affiliation levy is paid.
The new member will receive his or her copy of NZ Camera 2014 at the time of payment. Additionally they will receive a bonus copy of NZ Camera 2013.
The first workshop of the series is in Wellington 24th and 25th May – spaces are filling fast so don’t delay!
The dates and other details are all contained in the poster at the top. To enrol for one of these workshops please email to secure your spot – workshop@fujifilm.co.nz