Jack Fredrick Sprosen FPSNZ HonFPSNZ ARPS, 1933-2005
Jack’s interest in camera clubs started in the 1950’s and continued through every year of his life. He was a photographer who successfully embraced black and white, colour, slides, audio visuals, digital and digital audio visuals. He was always willing to help others.
Jack was a key member of the Photographic Society of New Zealand – he served on Council; was President in 1996-97 and was a member of the Honours board. So important was his contribution to PSNZ that Jack was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in 2001 (PSNZ’s highest honour).
The Sprosen family have donated a trophy in memory of Jack which is the purpose of this competition.
Jack Sprosen Memorial Trophy Winners 2024
The successful AVs from the 2024-2025 competition will be shown at the PSNZ National Convention in Nelson.
The 2025-2026 competition will be held in mid October or November 2025.
Please read the rules before you enter.