The PSNZ National Convention in Queenstown is sadly over. Reports coming thick and fast that it was most enjoyable, the workshops outstanding, the field trips wonderful, and the food incredible. Well done to the Queenstown Team.
Unfortunately the official photographer was taken ill, so the photos did not arrive for me to put them up over the weekend. However, they are now here, and will be fed through over the next few blog posts.
This is a few from Saturday’s workshops… Graeme Murry, Andris Apse, Johannes Van Kyn, and Murry Cave. Along with the AGM and all the convention attendees…
Graeme Murry – “My Story” Presentation
Andris Apse
Johannes van Kan “Who is JVK?”
Photographic Society of NZ AGM
Murry Cave – Canon Wildlife Settings & Gear workshop
Convention Attendees