Salons & Galleries
Merriam Webster defines Salon as "an annual exhibition of works of art" - and art comes in many forms, photography included.
This section provides you with information on Salons - run by PSNZ or by PSNZ affiliated clubs - that photographers can participate in; some will contain links to image galleries of the most recent successful salon entries.
See the gallery of the latest results for PSNZ member’s bi-monthly free-to-enter, digital competition.
Kindly sponsored by Canon.
Galleries and entry details for other national interclub competitions and Jack Sprosen AV, Bledisloe Print Cup, Bowron Digital Landscape Trophy, George Chance Landscape Print Cup, Wiltshire Digital Image Cup.
Open to all members of PSNZ and affiliated clubs, this annual competition celebrates and awards photographers producing Audio-Visual media, with Open and Documentary categories.
Entry dates to be advised.
View the results and galleries of past PSNZ SONY National Exhibitions. This exhibition is a showcase of the finest works from photographers around New Zealand and overseas.
In 2024, In lieu of an exhibition, PSNZ will hold the PSNZ Sony National Digital Salon.

Results and galleries from the last regional salon, held as part of the PSNZ Regional Convention. The physical prints can be viewed at the regional convention, held around September each year in different locations around the country.
Links to external websites for galleries, results and entry details of salons hosted by PSNZ-affiliated New Zealand clubs and Societies. Please note, these are listed by entry date.
Galleries and links to recent international salon results from the New Zealand International Salon, Four Nations, FIAP Biennial and the FIAP World Cup of Clubs.
The International Salon was not held in 2021.
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