Some of us had a very early morning start at the racecourse.
This is John Bellingham and Jeannette Nee checking out the form!
Back in the main hall, the day started with Christian Fletcher’s presentation. He showed us handy techniques on making faces gorgeous. He used Peter Eastway as a model!
Then it was time for Kevin Clarkes animated presentation on sports photography. Very inspiring words, and a few group waves to keep us sharp!
Check out his kit – he doesn’t pack light!
Onto the presentations. Roger Wandless receiving his 4 Nations Certificate of Merit…
Ron Willems receiving his 4 Nations of Certificate of Merit.
Onto the Annual General Meeting of the Photographic Society of New Zealand.
Vice President Peter Robinson, Secretary Patrice Nielsen, President Murry Cave, and Treasurer David Knightley share a light moment before the start of the PSNZ AGM.
We then split up into more workshops. Our roving reporter attended Julieanne Kost presentation on Composites.
Home for a quick spruce up and back for the Honours Banquet. The theme this year was Black and White with a touch of colour.
The Honours Banquet honours those receiving their photographic distinctions and service awards. Congratulations to Bruce Girdwood who received the Emma and William McPherson award, Trish and Alistair McAuslan, and Desma Edney for their PSNZ service medal and Ron Willems who received an honorary Life membership award for outstanding service.
Here is Dr Neil Gordon receiving his APSNZ from Patron John Boyd.
Gail Stent receiving her APSNZ
Helen Westerbeke receiving her APSNZ
Ann Bastion receiving her FPSNZ
PSNZ President Murry Cave receiving his FPSNZ.
Rosemary Morris receives her FPSNZ
Roger Wandless receives his FPSNZ
Ilan Wittenberg receiving his FPSNZ.
Following the honours presentation were Trish and Alistair McAuslan receiving the PSNZ service award.
Ron Willems receiving his Honorary membership of PSNZ.
LPSNZ recipients for 2015…
Diana Adlam, Desmond Ballie, Jon Coe, Julia De Cleene, Graham Dean , Wendy Gibbs, Allan Hassall, Trevor Lowe, Kevin MacMillan, Christine Ody, Paul Rondel, Bob Scott,
Barbara Seidel, Pauline Smith, Hazel Thomas, Andrew Thomson, Tom Wilkinson, Neil Annenberg, Marie Bilodau, Gillian Clover, Annette Johnston, Margaret Jorgensen, Rebecca MacDonald, Carol Molineaux, Kirsteen Redshaw.
APSNZ recipients for 2015…
Joy Kachina, Barbara Lee, Jeanette Elaine Nee, Gail Stent, John Botton, Dr Neil Gordon
Gavin James, Dr Anita Kirkpatrick, Judy Stokes, Helen Westerbeke
FPSNZ recipients for 2015…
Ann Bastion, Dr Murry Cave, Rosemary Morris, Roger Wandless, Ilan Wittenberg
Congratulations all.
Last but not least, the winner for the Best Dressed Male was Paul Byrne, our MC.
And the best dressed lovely ladies from Waiuku club – these awards were organised and donated by Matt from Carters Photographics.
Then onto the dancing and celebrations. Although after a 5am start, our roving reporter was done!
Thanks Jay for taking all these images and sending them for the rest of our members who couldn’t make the convention.